This year the Student Research Societies Conference call at the Department of Urban Planning and Design builds on the concept of “CHANGING CLIMATES” – when we announced this year’s departmental thematic framework at the end of 2019, we had no idea that research would come home … The future has begun, and while climate change remains a major issue in our lives, changing social and economic climates due to the viral situation its effects have come to the fore for all of us. The Department of Urban Planning and Design examines the issue of “Changing Climates” through architecture in its 2020 TDK call. The new paradigm of social distancing also poses new challenges to the interpretation of architectural and urban space, the role of creators and designers: online everyday life, community participation and changing public spaces raise topical questions for architectural research:
What are the effects of changing climate, social, economic climates for architecture and urban architecture? What methods and tools can we use to respond to the challenges as an architect or urban planner? How can our community spaces be adapted to the changed conditions of social coexistence? What new opportunities are there for community participation in the time of the new paradigm of social distancing?
Comittee: Erő Zoltán ( chair), Szabó Julianna PhD, Mészáros Ábel, Németh Ádám
Secretary: Pirity Ádám
The first part of the section is in Hungarian, the second in English.
- 9:00 Köszöntő / Introduction
- 9:10 Győrfi György Dániel, Kovács Laura: A játékhoz való jog
- 9:40 Szepesi Anna: Aquatecture – Építészeti kísérletek a klímaváltozás okozta áradások és tengerszint emelkedés kihívásaira
- 10:10 Puskás Levente: Építhetünk a hídjainkra?
- 10:40 Böröndy Júlia: A Balaton mindenkié / A ’60-as, ’70-es évek balatoni szállodaépítészete
- 11:10 Kávészünet / Coffee Break
- 11:25 Krasikova Iaroslava: Spatial use of riverside settlements in the past and present – Rostov Region, Russia
- 11:55 Sami Minatullah: Models for Green Stormwater Management as the driver force for a districtwide sustainable development. Comparative case study research of Water Sensitive Zomerhof / Agniese (Rotterdam) and Augustenborg (Malmo) Eco-districts.
- 12:25 Alhasanat Hashem, Chafrour Abla: Tourism and justifications in the community’s urban development for inhabitants and visitors, Petra Jordan
- 12:55 Zárszó és konklúzió / Closing remarks
Committee: Judit Rab (chair woman), Benedek Timár, Dániel Balizs PhD
Secretary: Bence Bene
- 9:00 Introduction by the Head of the Jury
- 9:10 Dadpour Siavash: Adaptability of an urban square by means of polyvalence – The case of Városháza Square in Budapest
- 9:40 Shih Min-Yu: The Impact of Urban density and Adaptive Urban Strategies on the usage of cities amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
- 10:10 Fesenko Valentina: Revealing the traditional meaning of the Roman Forum in a modern context Case of Városháza Square in Budapest
- 10:40 Coffee break
- 10:55 Brix Monteiro Gabriella Dalita: Ecological Resilience and Urban Resilience: A study on the Resilience of Biological Ecosystems and their relationship to Resilience of Urban Forms.
- 11:25 Baron Soracipa Sergio Manuel: Measuring of social sustainability on Housing Projects. Stilts Housing in Buenavista, Cienega Grande Magdalena Region, Colombia.
- 11:55 Closing remarks
15:00 TDK announcement joint event