Dr. habil ALFÖLDI György DLA

city planner & developer
university professor



Education, training, and scholarship 
2015 habilitation Budapest University of Technology and Economics Faculty of Architecture, Doctoral School of Architecture
2007 DLA (Doctor of Liberal Art in Architecture) Budapest University of Technology and Economics Faculty of Architecture, Doctoral School of Architecture
2005 Postgraduate Diploma in Urban Planning & Management Budapest University of Technology and Economics Faculty of Architecture
1997 scholarship Amszterdam, AMS University „Creative City project”,
1992 MA (Master of Architecture) Master School of Hungarian Architect Association
1984 Diploma in Architecture Budapest University of Technology and Economics Faculty of Architecture


Working and teaching experiences
2010- Associate professor Budapest University of Technology and Economics Faculty of Architecture Department of Urban Planning & Design
2007-2010 Assistant professor Budapest University of Technology and Economics Faculty of Architecture Department of Urban Planning & Design
2004-2007 Lecturer Budapest University of Technology and Economics Faculty of Economics Department of Sociology & Communication
1999-2007 Lecturer Budapest University of Technology and Economics Faculty of Architecture Department of Urban Planning & Design
1998-2016 Architect, city planner&developer, CEO, member of the Board Rév8 Plc. Józsefváros Urban Development & Rehabilitation Plc.
1990-1998 Architect, urban planner, manager Szentendrei Építésziroda Kft (private architect office)


Research experiences
2012 Professional partner Making Heimat – City of Future, Magdolna Project – Budapest, Research&Design Program of Goethe Institute (Germany) Lead research partners: Tihanyi Dominika (UI Landscape); Stefan Rettich (KARO Architekten)
2011-2012 Lead researcher Budapest 2050, The impact of renewable energy sources in downtown blocks of Budapest in the future; a part of the research program of BME, supported by EU; Lead researcher: Alföldi György;
2010-2011 Lead researcher Urbanity – Twenty years later, research program for Central European Capitals, International lead Partner: CCEA Prague, Hungarian lead research partners: Alföldi György, Kádár Bálint
2009 Researcher The impact of public space reconstruction on urban development in Budapest, Lead researchers: Szabó Julianna PhD


Completed architectural works of the past 5 years
2006-2014 Market Hall / Budapest, Teleki sq; Client: Municipality of Budapest-Józsefváros; Lead architect: Alföldi György, Project architect: Faragó Csaba, Contributing architects: Fekete János, Gál Borbála, Sámson Rita,
2009-2012 Daycare nursery, Budapest, Tolnai str; Client: Municipality of Budapest-Józsefváros; Lead architects: Alföldi György, Bach Péter, Kisgergely Csaba, Vörös Tamás; Contributing architect: Faragó Csaba;
2009-2012 Gardener’s Pavilion and Public Toilet; Budapest Mátyás sq; Client: Municipality of Budapest-Józsefváros; Lead architect: Alföldi György, Project architect: Szabó Lea;
2009-2012 Community and Youth Centre; Budapest Horánszky str; Client: Municipality of Budapest-Józsefváros; Lead architects: Alföldi György, Pozsár Péter, Dékány Tibor; Contributing architect: Faragó Csaba;
2010-2012 Residential building renewal Budapest, Lujza str; Client: Municipality of Budapest-Józsefváros; Lead architect: Alföldi György, Project architect: Szabó Lea;


The main city planning & development works of the past 5 years
2013 Budapest, Józsefváros – Palace Quarter, Urban renewal strategy, Feasibility study; Client: Municipality of Budapest-Józsefváros; Lead city planners: Alföldi György, Fernezelyi Gergely,
2012 Budapest, Józsefváros Integrated Urban Development Strategy; Client: Municipality of Budapest-Józsefváros; Lead city planners: Alföldi György, Horváth Dániel, ifj. Erdősi Sándor; Rév8 Plc.
2007-2012 Budapest, Downtown of Europe, Józsefváros – Cultural Economic Development Strategy for Palace Quarter; Client: Municipality of Budapest-Józsefváros; Lead city  planners: Alföldi György, dr Juharos Róbert, Sárkány Csilla, Tibor Tamás, ifj. Erdősi Sándor, Kóczián Gergely, Schancz Judit, Csete Zoltán;
2005-2016 Budapest, Józsefváros, Magdolna Quarter 1-3rd phase, Urban regeneration strategy; Client: Municipality of Budapest-Józsefváros; Lead city planners: Alföldi György, Csete Zoltán, ifj. Erdősi Sándor, Horváth Dániel; Rév8 Plc.


The main city development project management works of the past 5 years
2005-2016 Budapest, Józsefváros, Magdolna Quarter Urban regeneration program 1-3rd phase; Client: Municipality of Budapest-Józsefváros; Lead project managers: Alföldi György, Csete Zoltán, ifj Erdősi Sándor Horváth Dániel, Faragó Csaba
2007-2012 Budapest, Downtown of Europe, Józsefváros – Cultural Economic Development Program for Palace Quarter, Client: Municipality of Budapest-Józsefváros; Lead project managers: Alföldi György, Csete Zoltán, Tibor Tamás,
2000-2016 Budapest, Corvin Promenade Project Urban Renewal Project, Client: Municipality of Budapest-Józsefváros; Lead project managers: Alföldi György, Sárkány Csilla, Tóth Kornél, Csete Zoltán;


The main presentations on conferences in the past 5 years
2016 2016 Budapest, French Institute: A JÖVŐ VÁROSAI AZ OKOS VÁROSOK? City of Future, 2016.11.10.
2016 Budapest, SMART 2016 conference: City of Future, Budapest 2050, 2016.05.23.,
2013 Budapest, „8th District of Budapest”; Erasmus for Elected Representatives of Europeam Union, BUDAPEST FIELD VISIT, Budapest 18-20 March 2013,
2012 Chennai, „8th District of Budapest” International Workshop Urban Development: The Growing Complexity of Social Life & Its spatial consequency; Chennai 3-5 september 2012


2014 Global Award for Excellence Winner, Corvin Promenade / Urban Land Institute
2011 Winners of Prix d’Excellence Awards 2011; Specialised Project Category; Corvin Promenade Project;
2010 European Commercial Property Awards 2010 – Best Mixed Use Development Europe – Corvin Promenade Project;
2010 European Crime Prevention Award 2010 – Most Promising Project: Magdolna Quarter Programme II – Social and Crime Prevention Sub-programme