VIENNA / STUDY-TRIP / 2024-03-09
The Department of Urban Planning and Design is organising a one-day study trip to Vienna on 9 March 2024 (Wednesday).
The trip will focus on the following topics: urban density, “compact” city, the rehabilitation of railway areas, quality public spaces and urban services. Away from the usual tourist routes – in the transition zones surrounding the city centre – we will visit contemporary developments. A free programme in the city centre will follow the morning’s guided study tour.
Highlights of the programme:
- Budapest – departure from the university at 6 am
- Contemporary urban developments in transition zones – 9.00-14.00
- Arrival in downtown Vienna, free time – 15.30-18.30
- Arrival in Budapest, in front of the university – around 23.00
Everyone is welcome, whatever their subject.
The study trip is open to all students, and the programme will be launched if at least 35 students apply.
The cost of the bus trip is 9.500 HUF/person.
You can register by paying the travel costs at the department office starting February 26th (K293).